Studio refit progress!

It's been a long while coming, but I am FINALLY sorting my studio out!
I've been half in and half out of my parents garage for a year and a half now. Well, that is technically a lie, I've had my laser cutter at their garage for 2 years, but before I set up camp in their space I had a beautiful studio in The Printhaus, I would split my time between the two locations, cutting my work at my parents, and assembling, sending and designing in The Printhaus.
When the Printhaus closed (thank you capitalism!) and moved to it's new location in Chapter I had to down tools and figure out where I would now work from.
I trialled a couple of spaces, including The Sustainable Studio which is an amazing space, but ultimately what I figured out was that I could no longer work from two separate locations.
This mixed with COVID meant I had to adapt very quickly to working from their garage...and what happened to the functionality in that 1.5 years....nothing.
I am so excited that my beloved Dad has let me take on twice as much space as I had and that my friend Martin and my partner Adam have been making all the changes, including insulation, which my tired body could do no more winters without.
I have now nearly got a blank canvas, the development of which i can now share far more easily on this new blog.
Thanks for reading, and let me know if you have any questions
Lizzie xxx
Lou Chudley —
It looks great Lizzie! Bet it’ll feel amazing to have a proper permanent home for your work now xxx
Cara —
Looks lush already, hope you paint it loads of jazzy colours
Lucy —
Loving the progress so far.. keep sharing :)